1995-97 The LKM Years
In the beginning, at least for me, there was Linotype, Photoshop 2.0.1, and an interest in photography and fine arts; and it was good. As a studio artist and later as a graphic designer, I assisted with the production of artwork, typesetting, and occasionally concepting for small campaigns. Here are a few examples of the work I assisted with and helped produce. These fine folks are who I have to thank for my introduction to the world of Linotype and the Quadra 800, along with advertising, design, and Photoshop. Thanks to Trudy I was introduced to Jim Mountjoy who gave me a chance to make a contribution. From there John, Bill, Steve, Gordon, Ed, Katie, Patty, Harry, Scott, Corey, Diana, John, Carrie, Dawn, Ryan, and many others were kind enough to show me how to expertly craft great advertising.There was plenty of great advertising coming out of Loeffler Ketchum Mountjoy back then.
So much great advertising was produced that past awards could only find display space as door stoppers and bathroom key holders. For my part I helped with studio art production, typesetting, and even crafting an ad or two. I had a good deal of help and helped out a good deal.